Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Police Force [HD] - Game of the Year? - Police Brutality! - PC gameplay

Castlevania Lords Of Shadow Review

This video game contains some animated nudity and violence so please don't watch if this offends you . For more on Games Reviews checkout this great site My Games World


Saturday, 21 July 2012

Using Wind Turbines to Power Your Home

Using Wind Turbines to Power Your Home
The first thing to look at, before you ever consider converting to wind power, is the area where you live. A windmill solution obviously requires wind. More specifically you want wind speeds that exceed 8MPH on average. Even 8MPH is considered a low-wind-speed area for wind turbines. 12MPH average is ideal.
To start, take the time to look at the wind speed charts that fit your area:
If You Live in the UK or Europe: http://www.xcweather.co.uk             
Assuming that the average wind speed in your area is above 8MPH, then continue on to the other considerations listed below. If you don’t live in a suitable area, then you should consider a solar power conversion instead.
Convert Your Home Today:
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Wind Turbine Considerations
Once you’ve determined that wind power is suitable for your area there are a few other things you need to consider.  Really this is just about asking some questions and then answering them. Taking the time to do so will ensure you choose a wind power system that fits. Especially if you are planning to live off the grid, you should take the time to answer these questions before you start.
Your Power Needs
The first thing that needs to be considered is your power needs. Are you simply looking to reduce your power bill with a single small windmill? Or, will you want to power your entire home?
If you’re looking to power your whole home, you should take the time to calculate your actual power requirements. If you take the time to download Earth 4 Energy, their guide comes with a calculator and instructions on how to do this (you’ll need this guide anyway).
Storing Power from Wind Turbines
From the answer to your first question you then need to consider building a storage system for your wind turbine. A simple array of batteries can be designed to store as little or as much power as needed.
If you’re only building a small wind power solution to reduce your power bills then this is likely less of a concern.
On the other hand if you’re looking to live off the grid, you will need to consider energy storage. You should use your calculation for your power needs to design this part of your system. Take into consideration how much power you will need to store and for how long.
If you have weeks where there is less wind than usual, ensure that you have a large enough battery array to compensate (or better yet work to reduce you energy needs by using high efficiency bulbs and appliances).
Having a Backup Plan
Finally, for those who plan to live entirely off the grid, you should consider your backup plan. For most of us consistent power is a requirement. Ensure that you design your wind turbine solution with a backup plan. Generally a small gas generator is enough to ensure you have power if something goes wrong. 
 Reducing Your Energy Needs before Going Green
With simple instructions available on how to convert to homemade wind power or DIY solar panels for as little as $200, many people are taking the alternative energy more seriously. When choosing to take on a DIY conversion project the first question most people ask is will one windmill or one large solar panel be enough? There are too many factors involved here to answer that question for you. But one way to start is to ensure your home is efficient in the first place. In this article we will walk you through some steps that will help you reduce your energy consumption before you start converting your home. 
Reducing Your Energy Needs
One often overlooked step in converting a home to green power is reducing your energy needs in the first place. The average home uses inefficient lighting, power hungry appliances, and poor heating/cooling solutions.  An important step to reducing your energy needs is to look at the inefficiencies in your current system.
  1. Replacing old incandescent bulbs with fluorescents or led bulbs will cut your power consumption from light in half.
  2. Replacing old, inefficient, appliances may reduce your energy bills by as much as 30% by itself.
You should also look at your current heating/cooling solutions. For example an electric hot water heater could potentially be replaced by a solar water heater. Maybe that inefficient air conditioner can be replaced with a more efficient heat exchanger.
If you need help choosing more efficient appliances, an excellent resource for this is put out by the Canadian government: http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/EnerGuide/home.cfm.  It’s called Energuide, and it covers everything power consumption of home appliance to energy requirements of large commercial air conditioners.
Spend some time looking through that guide and calculating how much you can reduce your power consumption in different areas of your home.  By simply taking a look at everything in your home that consumes energy, you will find ways to reduce your energy needs before you start.
You don’t necessarily have to go all out and spend $10,000 replacing everything – but things as simple as changing your lighting will reduce your energy needs before you start your conversion project.
More Related  Articles  on Alternative Energy  at  http://www.vunamer.com/    

Here is a great guide video you may find very helpful

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Marketing Your Business for Lasting Results

Did you ever wonder why some online businesses seem to flourish while others bite the dust day after day?  The answer to that problem lies in the marketing of a business.  You should plan marketing your business in a way that gets you instant and lasting results as well.
You are being marketed to in your everyday life and may not even realize it.  For example, you probably get grocery store ads in your mailbox or the Sunday newspaper every week.  Retailers know that you will see what they have to offer and at least one item will probably bring you into their store.  Television sponsors know which shows are watched the most and therefore put their commercial right in front of your nose, so to speak.  So why not use similar techniques for marketing your business.

If you have been struggling with how to get the word out about your service or products the most important thing you can do is build a list of customers.  The idea is that once you have a buyers list you can email them with your sales or updates anytime you wish.  You can start marketing your business with just the push of a button as you send out timely emails to them with freebies or offers.
So, how do you get started building a list?  Well, in order to get something you need to give something first.  For example, when people come to your website they need to see something that will add value to their lives.  This can be in the form of a newsletter subscription for tips in the area they are interested in, or a free report of some kind they can download.  Whatever you offer for free comes to the customer from them opting in to your email list by giving you their name and email address.  This really is a win-win situation for both the customer and the website owner.

In order to make marketing your business almost hands free you will need an Autoresponder service.  There may be a few free services out there but if you want everything to be handled professionally you should pay a small fee for the service and get a professional Autoresponder service such as Aweber.
There are many things you can use an Autoresponder for when marketing your business with email and below are just some of the highlights of using such a program.
1. Have prewritten emails ready and waiting to be sent the minute someone signs up to your list.
2. Have weekly or monthly newsletters sent to your list on pre-scheduled days.
3. Have access to templates for newsletters and emails that look professional.
4. Be able to broadcast a special message immediately to your list anytime you have the need.
5. Have access to templates for building the opt-in box for your subscribers.
6. Be able to have the Autoresponder service host your opt-in box if you don’t want to host it on your 
There are many more things you can use an Autoresponder service for and if you are serious about making a living online you need to start building your list immediately and getting into an email campaign for your company.
Email marketing is the most lucrative type of marketing there is so don’t miss out marketing your business with this avenue for the best results.  
Remember to always put your customers first when using email marketing.  Don’t bombard them with offers every single day but be sure and keep in regular contact with them.  It is important to send them free information or free downloads often as well as items or services you want them to buy.  This lets the customer know you care about them and not just the money.
When you think about their problems and help solve them, especially with free items, it builds trust with the people on your list.  People that trust you will buy from you too, so be sure and start marketing your business by building a list.

Authored by Arthur Casey  http://www.business-office-solutions.com/ 

Monday, 16 July 2012

Welcome To The Greenest Place On Earth!

Welcome To The Greenest Place On Earth!

Help save the Planet !

Subcsribe and have a tree planted in your name !

Trees For The Future is a charity that has been responsible for planting millions of trees all over the world. Our donations so far have resulted in tons of trees being planted in the name of our members.